i am using xp pro. the start menu no longer showes shut down only log off. ctrl+alt+delete says i dont have admin privlidges but mt only account is listed as an admin account. i tried to create an account called admin but claimed it was already in use, same result when i tried to change my account name to admin. also, norton 360 wont auto protect but the firewall seems to be working.
My log in is the only account on my computer and it somehow lost adm. privlidges why?!?!?antispam
This is typical of many viruses. Your computer is 100% for sure infected. Get an online virus scan here;
or / and here;
and restore admin privileges following this;
and regedit privlages (if necessary) with this;
Norton is not really worth a crap in my opinion, (it didn't protect you here did it?)
I would switch to Nod 32 for a paid anti virus
Or AVG for a free one (still better than Norton)
Make sure and fully remove Norton (after cleaning up the current mess) using this;
Norton AV Removal Tool form Symantec, as Norton is notoriously hard to cleanly uninstall , before installing another AV
If you have the complete Norton suite (Norton Firewall) You can replace it with either one of these two superior free firewalls;
Zone Alarm
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